The Arts of Maya | Female Domination at its finest

I'm a brazilian Dominant conquering Europe (and soon the World) one slave at a time. 


I dominated my way to the top in several areas of my life. And currently I'm in a mission to find, train and use the most subservient males in these lands.


We can meet in Lisbon, or I can travel to you.l Check My Terms on my official website.


Concerning My Dominance, I put Quality over Quantity. Depth over superficiality.


You'll be my canvas, and I'll make Art on top of you - until you become an object worthy of being seen.


This is no theater for Me. I follow no scripts.


This is NOT about you. 

This is about ME. 


Make yourself worthy.


And it is ALWAYS under MY TERMS.





- You will read "My Terms" in my official website under the page "The Arts"


- You will fill in The Mistress Form that I have developed, with your tendencies, hard limits and other useful data I need to map your submissive mind


- The Mistress Form will calculate a preview of a Tribute price for you, and forward your answers to Me.


- I'll read your Form replies and contact you. I will give you the final Tribute requested, according to your type of training. We will also discuss some details regarding your session, and solve any doubts you might have so far.


- Your training will start.



My main website is




You can also find on:


Twitter: @TheArtsofMaya

I Want Fan Club:


Alternative contact:
