Follow me into the hearth...

Domina Vesta Flame | NYC Dominatrix & Femdom Artist

Marrying sacrosanct with sacrilege motivates me to create safe play spaces; creative expressions of concealed desire + taboo truths merge into one.

What I do

I craft safe play spaces for adventurous individuals + couples eager to delve into uncharted territories of self-discovery. For those ready to embark on a deeper journey, you've found your destination...for the time being.

Through the lens of the forbidden, I guide you on a journey of surrender, where we merge opposites within ourselves and through each other: the known with the unknown, light with shadow, creative expression with concealed desire, order with chaos.

Imagine chaos as a catalyst for shedding pre-conceived ideas of who you are when permitted to let go.

In exploring our depths and resurfacing, we shed the weight of societal expectations, unmasking our true selves. Each moment is painted with our emotional hues + bodily sensations as vividly as implements used in play. Release yourself from the pressures of daily life.

Together, we co-create safe containers of play, guided by expressed consent, clear boundaries, and open communication before, during, and after each session.

Through this authentic, creative expression, we become artists, molding past pain into present beauty. Beauty, after all, is subjective. Service, submission, devotion, loyalty, eager willingness, and even fear—they all hold their own unique allure..

As you embody your taboos + curiosities, you delve into an endless journey of self-discovery. Embrace this. Dare to express yourself through the forbidden when conventional mediums fall short.

Ready to explore? Send your curiosities through my Inquiry Form, and let's embark on this journey together.

I'm eager to unveil you-- unfiltered, raw and so very real.

My Interests

Marrying sacrosanct with sacrilege is my motivating force for creating safe play spaces.

In the annals of ancient Rome, the veneration of Goddess Vesta, or Hestia in Greek lore, stood as the guardian of hearth, home, and kin. At the heart of Rome’s center, her temple, with its distinctive rounded design, stood as a testament to these virtues.

Circles symbolize perpetual renewal, eternal rhythms.

Within her sacred confines flickered an eternal flame, a beacon of these values, safeguarding the legacy of hearth, home, and kin through profound self-awareness.

Under the vigilant watch of virginal priestesses, bound by solemn oaths, this flame blazed for centuries, bridging the realms of mortal existence with the ethereal, promising the continuity of these values within society.

A society’s evolution mirrors the individual’s journey.

True self-discovery demands you embrace ALL parts of self, even the parts you try to conceal.

Yet, for those who strayed from the path of good intent, severe punishment awaited—a chilling reminder of the importance in maintaining self-mastery. Public flogging and live burial awaited those who strayed from their vows to channel their eros towards anything other than a higher calling, a sacred duty.

Affliction caused by a desire to serve. Sound familiar?

This severe punishment shows the significance of maintaining a sense of self-possession when assuming any role.

In this realm, Goddess Vesta reigns supreme.

Her sacred, eternal flame represents inner fire, igniting what keeps you balanced and grounded in your service & submission.

BDSM, when approached with discernment, serves as a gateway to uncharted depths of your psyche. Where do your willpower + desires converge?

Holistic BDSM is an embodiment practice where the players transform. Whether it’s a fleeting journey or a profound change, it is entirely up to your ability to release control and be taken to your edges.

Like Goddess Vesta, your yearnings and vulnerabilities will be the foundation and channel in submitting to a higher purpose.

To surrender…

To fall apart…

To stand exposed, baring hidden truths.

What a gift.

Welcome to the hearth of Vesta.