
This site contains material of adult nature, this is only intended for consenting suitable adults.

The material of this site contains bondage and other fetish activities.

If you are offended by bdsm or any domination then please leave this site.

If you are an adult then you must not let any person(s) under the age of 18 have access.

By entering this site you confirm that you have read this disclaimer and are over 18 years of age.

I have carefully read this and understand and agree to all.


BA5132B6-2216-49D7-88C6-CA4B4CDB8648I am a Real and True Mistress
Domination is NOT Prostitution

The Worldwide Mistress Guide
So I am on TrueMistresses.com

Hours Phone: 9 am to 8 pm ONLY !!! Will not respond to texts, private n.o, restricted I.D's etc.
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